The most complicated issues are better understood in simple terms. Quality is assured while keeping it simple. Less, is MORE.
We deliver services in highly usual degrees consistently. Our brand takes pride in taking it a notch higher. Our clients receive an extra on every service delivered.
Love is a command from our Father, at the center of all our decisions is the four letter word, LOVE.
VJGC is a leading, global consultant, with expert insight on educational and organizational strategies. She holds a PhD in Educational Management and a Masters of Education Degree in Management, both from the University of Lagos, Nigeria.
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The Chartered Institute of Corporate Mentoring and Coaching of Nigeria has honoured Vera James, with the award of Icon of Mentorship and Fellowship.
The Principal Consultant of VJGC Limited, Vera James has been honoured with the award of Icon of Mentorship and Fellowship by the Chartered Institute of Corporate Mentoring and Coaching Nigeria (CICMCN).
Vera James recently snagged a PhD in Educational Management from the University of Lagos and as she picked up a hard earned degree, she chose to celebrate the winds beneath her wings, Jolomi, with whom she marked ten years together, this past March.
As the saying goes, “Teachers taught them all.” Every 5th October, the world celebrates teachers for their outstanding roles in shaping the futures and careers of other professions.
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