🌑We are not ready to go back to physical school. As a nation, as school owners, as parents – even as children.
🛑The COST of returning now is HIGH. Financial, health, welfare of the children and the teachers and ultimately – Life!!!! These are too high prices to pay for just a few weeks.
🌑Banks are shutting down branches because a COVID-19 patient stepped into the banking hall. What is the fate of a school when this happens?
🛑Recently, South Korea – a country that has been touted as having one of the best testing capacity, was constrained to re-introduce the lockdown of schools after Covid-19 infections in schools spiked.
🌑Some “big” schools MAY be able to follow gui…
[08:08, 8/6/2020] HR: 30th June 2020
I remember a session I facilitated for teachers in 2015 on leveraging technology. (I can’t remember the exact title)
I used this quote as a closing charge. It sounded strange, it sounded funny.
Indeed, I couldn’t end the session because it took us another 20 minutes to discuss this and we saw the possibilities glaring into our faces.
Fast forward 2020. Here we are!
Since the pandemic, we have replaced these teachers. It is no longer a probability.
Be intentional! Be futuristic! Be ready!
Read this article beyond Education or Technology!
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